Hello, my name is Matthew Wint

and I like to Render

My various renderings created using Rhino and Maya

Sword:Built using Rhino, this model was made using a photo reference and altering it to create an interesting sword.

Playstation 3:I used my Playstation 3 as a reference when creating this model in Rhino. I used the dimensions of the console to make sure it had the correct proportions. I rendered the back to get a detailed view of the ports and vent.

Rifle:This was created in Rhino using a photo as a reference. I designed this to be rapid prototyped using a gypsum powder printer. When printed it was three inches long.

Submachine Gun:This was created in Rhino using a photo as a reference. The object is similar to the rifle, however since I did not prototype this object I was able to give it more detail without worrying about pieces breaking off.

Dinosaur:This was started with just a cube and using a drawing I made as a reference. I extruded the cube to make this dinosaur and added a cityscape background to the render.

Vector Dinosaur:I rendered this vector model of the dinosaur to show the geometry.

Coccolith:This was created as an object to show up in a telematic concert. Coccoliths are small calcium carbonate structures created by single celled algae in the ocean. The challenge with this project was to create a low poly count model so the scene could be navigated easily during the concert.

Sears Tower:This model was created to scale using the dimensions of the Sears Tower. I used bump mapping to texture the windows. The tower was placed in a sphere to create the sky. The sphere has clouds painted on it and has a grass textured plane intersecting to create the ground.

Full Environment:This render shows the base of the Sears Tower next to a small windmill I created. Using Virtools I was able to add the ability to move a camera in the environment.
