Hello, my name is Matthew Wint

and I like to Interact

My Interactive Design Created using Flash and XML

Course Registration:Above is a group project. I coded all of the action script and we worked together with focus groups to get the design. Tony Brown worked on many of the graphics. Chris Horan worked on our design statement. Nick Hoium helped with design and testing, and Michal Merkler worked on setting up the XML file data structure.

Bus Tracker:This is a looping animation that serves as a prototype bus tracker. The buses follow along a path while a bar to to the left estimates the time of arrival of the bus.

Bridge Problem:This is a math puzzle where the player needs to get the four characters across a bridge in the least amount of time. They only have one flashlight and they each cross at different speeds. What is the lowest time you can make it across?

Space Game:This is a puzzle game that is broken into scenes. It has point and click components, and allows the player to pilot a space ship in all directions and side scroll on the surface of planets. If the player fails they have to reset the browser.(Forcing this reset was intentional) When testing many players immediately flew into the sun and when they did not die claimed the game was unrealistic. This was the first feature added through testing. The stars in the moon scene change size based on the sound. The game has a secret move that can be uncovered by the player. The beginning features a functional instructions menu and introductions page with navigation back to the start frame.

Compliment Generator:This interactive solution was made to show how I could make a game based on XML and a random pointer. The goal was to make a compliment generator for Lia so that anyone could give her a personalized compliment. This app features 186,000,000+ compliments.

Reflective Glasses:This version of my profile lets you attach your camera and see your reflection in my aviators.

Four Player Checkers: This game was made as a way to experiment with how people work together as a team or to win since it would be difficult to win playing without assistance from another color. Also, since the peices can be moved in any direction it starts in stale mate where where the players can chose not to go against each other. This conflicts with the want to win or complete the game. It is played by opening the file original in adobe illustrator and moving the grouped pieces across the board that is on a separate layer, passing the mouse to the next player after your move. This game is unplayable from this site.
