Hello, my name is Matthew Wint

and I like to _______


I am a designer, developer, and technology enthusiast who is always looking for new ways to solve problems effectively.

Starting at University of Southern Indiana I learned elements of design and experienced firsthand the many challenges and merits of traditional fine art, digital art, and printing. Seeking to have a better technological perspective on design I moved to Indiana University where I earned a degree in Informatics with a cognate in graphic design and a minor in information technology.

At Indiana University I closed the gap between design and technology by taking on projects that required use of both in order to be successful. Collaborating with other people to solve problems I have gained a keen eye for creating efficient human computer interaction and strong knowledge of technologic implications

Striving to come up with creative, simple, and effective designs is what I do best. I enjoy database oriented design and am experienced in using XML to drive the content of visual solutions.

This website contains many of the visual solutions I have created for projects; this includes Interactive design, animations, illustrations, and some 3d renderings.
